Write For Us

You can also publish your articles on this blog.. All you need to do is obey the rules below :
  1. Article should contain a minimum of 500 words.
  2. Article should contain a short description.
  3. Article should contain minimum 5 tags.
  4. It should, in no way contain obscene, or adult or mature content, that may hurt the reader in any possible way.
  5. I reserve every right to edit the formatting and wording of your article if necessary.
  6. Maximum of ONE Outbound Link will be allowed in the post including the author’s bio.
  7. Content of the post must be based only in the available tags that can be found under the ‘Categories’ in the sidebar.
  8. If you convinced me to place a second link, that is fully relevant, I will agree.
  9. Quality of the Content should be good and should not be biased or in no way advertise (infomercial) about your page or blog. However, properly relevant links can be given to your page or blog in the content.
  10. Your Content must be fully original and should not be published elsewhere. If any pictures are included, they must not have any restrictions to be used. A photo of yours, if any, will be gladly put up.
  11. Lastly, Don’t send spammy and robotic pitches for your guest posts, be genuine and give me the best of your writing. I have a really good audience here and I don’t want to disappoint them one bit!
All the posts will be thoroughly verified before publication. Please submit your posts at contentwriterhlt@gmail.com. You will be notified when your article is published.
Thanks for taking interest!