We give guidelines for the kilos you lose your spare. Take
adequate food, exercise and above all, do not miss the humor.
If you can spare a few kilos, it's time to act now. We offer
some very practical tips to lose weight you need and be good inside and out.
A proper diet, physical exercise, controlling carbohydrates,
avoid fats accumulate or retain fluids are key for you to succeed in your goal.
We give hints to achieve and also, we offer the recipe to keep your spirits and
you overcome your purpose. Your body and mind will thank you.
Remember that obesity is a chronic disease and therefore not
curable, but is treatable should not be delayed with a healthy diet.
Fat and Calories
• One gram of fat provides nine calories, ie twice what food
brings a gram of fat is believed that much like sugar, bread, chickpeas or
• Only 10% reduce calories from fats and thins (about two
kilos in a month).
• Meat is 20% fat unseen and fish, except blue, only 3 to
• Not all calories are equal, for example, those that come
from carbohydrates (rice, pasta ...) less fattening because we spend 20% of
which we provide.
Exercise and good cheer
• A successful diet also lies in achieving greater calorie
expenditure increasing exercise. Choose the one to go with you to avoid leaving
it. A recommended practice is to walk. It's easy and free. Do daily brisk walk
for half an hour at least and will be very effective. Avoid taking the elevator
up and down the stairs walking.
• Another pillar is the psychological belief encourages us
to maintain willpower and not abandon the diet on the road. Take it as a goal
to achieve and rewards your efforts. The result will be worth it and you will
feel bouncy if decaes.
Key guidance
• Become the purpose of taking four or five smaller meals instead
of two heavy. Serve on dessert plates.
• It is essential how to cook. From this point, the oven,
steam and microwave are your allies. There are hundreds of recipes that are
scrumptious fat.
• The dressing also has to take care. Use sauces like soy.
• Please hand foil. Wrapped in this paper and baked, almost
everything is rich and fat.
• Chew food slowly and long.
• fruit and vegetables Take mid-morning or mid-afternoon and
in moments of weakness.
A good menu
• Includes and mushrooms in your diet. Are low in calories,
have much water ... and not fattening.
• The ideal is to reduce fat intake.
• Try to eat everything, but in small amounts.
• Drink about two liters of water a day and even more, as it
will give satiety.
• Includes fiber. It will help you feel more full and,
incidentally, helps to lower cholesterol and prevent constipation.
• Take two servings (100 g each) daily animal protein (meat
or fish). Also choose legumes.